Fee Refund Policy for A. Y. 2024-25 (First Semester Only)

1. Eligibility for Refunds: Refunds will be made to students cancelling/withdrawing admission from any academic program within a time specified by the university subject to the guidelines issued by the UGC refund policy.

2. Request for Refund: Students seeking a refund on account of cancellation/withdrawal of admission should follow the prescribed procedure. They are required to submit a written refund request to the Admission Committee through email (admissions@mpdnlu.ac.in) marking a copy to the Fee Refund Committee (feerefund2024@mpdnlu.ac.in) in the prescribed format. (Form)

3. Refund Calculation: The refund amount will be calculated based on UGC refund policy as applicable on the date of cancellation/withdrawal of admission subject to the following deductions;

For the utility and other services availed by the student (Commencement of classes w.e.f. 1st August 2024), the refund will be made after deducting the charges in the following manner;

i. Students availing utility and other services for 0-15 days will be charged for a block of 15 days
ii. Students availing utility and other services beyond 15 days will be charged for the entire month.

4. Policy Amendments: DNLU reserves the right to modify or update the refund policy as may be necessary from time to time. Any changes will be communicated to students through official channels, and the updated policy will apply to refund requests received after the effective date of the change.

5. Contact Details: For any queries or concerns related to fee refunds, students can reach out to the Fee Refund Committee on at feerefund2024@mpdnlu.ac.in or Telephone No. +91-761-2600070 (Ext. 1031) The email address provided will serve as the primary contact point for refund-related communication.

Notification: Refund Policy.
Admission Cancellation/withdrawal Form (Academic Year 2024-25)